Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Practitioners believe that when the two lovers struggle is not just luck that they are not willing to Long Term Rileshnship. What are the 5 conflict that strength does not come without a relationship, the two lovers do not come close. Yes, you have to live life with each other, to love each other for life, so read every relationship she has 5 fell incomplete without them.

Expenses discussed and struggle!
1.) Before the wedding so well that you were Lutate. But after marriage she took the money to add. Sometimes he's not the only market in kg from Rs 50 to Rs 25 a kg apples come.Your wife, your make-up, parlor, suits and sarees are very Lutati, which allows you angry.Now, both of you will feel that you can not be both. And because of this fight is that cost money.But Consider the fight both of you is to give a chance to come closer to each other. Because of where to fight, then you both have to sit down together and talk about how the budget. Mind you both respect each other's views.

Love - Making who will take the initiative?
2.) Husband came home from the office should be comfortable but noisy children outgrow their peace is in turmoil. The wife everyday broom, pots and safely handle upset children. Not only this, the wife goes to work, then double their responsibilities are. So both your lifestyle to ascribe his turbulent life. But no one understands that if both of them talk about it, then the problem is solved.Let's wait for the night, who will introduce sex. Let me tell you that every ageSexual desire, habits and behavior change. Before the debate, understand themselves, then separate them.

Wife spent their vacation parents or in-laws!
3.) Fight over this issue came to the house - it is day. Because the husband wants the wife to her in-lawsCelebrate the holidays and the wife wants that he is on holidays with their children to her mother's house.Result, stress and accused each other of being goofy. But why not think outside, go for a stroll on holidays somewhere. Ie both alternately go.

Who will work?
4.) If you have both love and had decided to get married. But did you know that it's not easy. Used to each other after the wedding, a second living, sleeping, eating - drinking complexion is much better understood.

Obesity taunting each other!
5.) Before marriage, you both loved each other very much. Body weight, not meant to love. But after marriage, you are taunted each other.Long Term Rileshnship so keenly to think that physical love is not love for each other must be at heart.

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